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Troy Kanter highlights the impact of unstructured methods on forecasting and pipeline management. Discover how intelligence and AI, including Auctus IQ's contributions, bring data-driven insights into deal coaching.

As salespeople, we can sometimes be our own worst enemy when it comes to communicating or interacting with buyers.

To help salespeople wrap up 2023 to best serve their clients/customers, Tim Roberts shares these three key takeaways for selling in an AI world.

Many of us fall into the trap of wanting to provide a proposal to show the prospect all the products or services you or your company can provide. 

Discover the power of emotional relevance with Mike Montague and Alon Zaibert! Join the conversation that explores the future of sales in a tech-driven world and gain practical strategies for standing out.

A famous selling rule set out half a century ago by David Sandler, the founder of our company, goes like this: Don’t spill your candy in the lobby.

In a world where pipeline management is complex and time-consuming, there's Ken. Ken Guest is a sales expert who knows how to help you streamline your pipeline and close more deals. Join Ken in this informative episode where he shares his top tips for pipeline management.

Many salespeople network ineffectively. Usually, they'll wing it, improvise, or spend time with colleagues or clients they know well instead of engaging prospects. 

Below is Sandler’s famous Success Triangle. The triangle's three corners can drive our ascent to our fullest and highest potential in sales and life. They define the three critical areas of ongoing development that, taken together, can make sustainable personal and professional growth a daily reality – not an abstract idea or a faraway goal but a consistent series of measurable improvements in both performance and achievement.

Salespeople, in general, are often the neediest people on the face of the earth.

This neediness can easily lead to delusion and denial and create a false sense of security that the relationship is stronger than it is.