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Coffman Group, LLC. | | Kansas City and San Diego

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Imagine this scenario.

You're at a networking event. Across the room, you see the key decision maker at your biggest prospect picking at a plate of appetizers.

Aside from them, their table is empty.

You work up the guts to approach them, but as you move, mom's face pops up between you and your prospect and says, "don't talk to strangers."

Obeying mom's command, you divert your path from that key decision maker and your biggest prospect and miss out on an opportunity to start building a relationship with them.

Mom's infallible wisdom prevents you from effectively networking because her messages in your psyche override your sales behavior.

It's important to identify the mindsets that prevent positive business development activity.

It will allow you, in this instance, to deactivate the stranger-danger program and initiate a productive conversation.



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